Thursday, June 11, 2015


Photo by Leilehua

Mobbing a friend can be lots of fun. Just ask Leimomi. We love that this bestie is back at the gym for the summer; she’s always a ton of fun. Also, check out Leimomi’s original succulent artworks at

KAMEHAMEHA DAY: We will have all regularly scheduled classes today.

061115 WOD

A. With a time cap of 5:00

Row 500 meters or run 400 meters, then

Accumulate 2:00 in a front plank

B. 20:00 AMRAP in teams of two with only one partner working at a time to  COMPLETE WHOLE ROUNDS of the following:

20-calorie row

10 dumbell thrusters (53/35)

10 burpees

20-calorie row

Score is rounds and reps

>> On-Ramp

Modifications will be posted on whiteboard

C. Mobility

1. Front delt smash with barbell or lacrosse ball

2:00 / side

2. Wall squat hip opener

2:00-3:00 total