Thursday, Sept. 17, 2015

photo(1003)Today we say a hui hou to our original CF Upcountry friend, Allen, who owns Interurban Athletics in Seattle, and his girlfriend, Rachele. thanks for all the great memories. It’s always a good time with our brother from another mother. Safe travels home; we will see you again soon!

091715 WOD

A. Warmup

Run 600 meters individually, then as a group:

Two rounds of the following:

1:00 front plank

0:45 L plank

0:45 R plank

0:30 hollow

1:00 rest

B. 20:00 AMRAP

In teams of two, with only one person working at a time to complete full rounds of:

250-meter row

15 Russian KB swings (70/53)

10 toes to bar

200-meter run

Optional individual workout:

Complete same work listed above; rest 3:00 after each round.

C.  Mobility

1. Partner Trap smash with PVC (1:00/side/person)

2. Partner quad smash
