Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2015

photo(850)We are launching a missing person alert. This athlete was last seen winning the mixed masters division of the Hana Relay. He’s known to run very fast. Maybe he’s so fast, that we just haven’t detected him with the naked eye. Please report any sightings to CrossFit Upcountry coaches. We miss you, Phil (and Jenn!).

092315 WOD

A. Three rounds NFT – 6:00 time cap

100-meter farmers carry AHAP

15 ball slams

15 band pull-aparts

B. Press

Six sets of 2 reps @ 20×1, building to a heavy set of two

Rest 2:00 between sets

C. For time:

Run 400 meters

Three rounds of the couplet:

20 burpees

20 lunges with plate overhead (45/25)

Run 400 meters

>> On-Ramp

For time:

200-meter run

Three rounds of the couplet:

10 burpees

10 lunges

200-meter run