Monday, Sept. 28, 2015


092815 WOD

A. EMOM 9:00 (3 sets)

Minute 1: 150-meter row

Minute 2: 20 KB oblique side bends (10/side)

Minute 3: 10 box jumps

B. Front squat

6 x 2 with tempo 32×1

*3 seconds down, 2-second pause at bottom, explode up, 1 second at top

Work up to a medium-heavy weight; rest 2:00 between each set

C. Four rounds for time:

5 muscle-ups (sub 1 strict pull-ups + 1 strict dip per MU; can be consecutive)

7 thrusters (135/95)

30 double-unders

>> On-Ramp

Four rounds for time:

5 ring rows + 5 parallette dips

7 thrusters

60 single-unders