Saturday, Sept. 26, 2015

photo(1011)Congrats to our September Basics grads and new members, including Stephanie (from left); Jenny; Brandon and Joe K. Please welcome them to classes. We love having each of you and can’t wait to see all that you accomplish!

092615 WOD

A. Every 2:00 for 8:00

Run 100 meters

5 burpee ball slams

10 hollow rocks

B. Mobility

C. In teams of two, with only one person working at a time, complete the following:

600-meter relay run

30 ground to overhead (95/65)

50 box jump-overs (24/20)

30 toes-to-bar

400-meter relay run

30 toes-to-bar

50 box jump-overs

30 ground to overhead

600-meter relay run



photo(1010)We are restarting competition WODs from 6:30 to 8 a.m. Saturdays. Workouts will vary; session is uncoached and requires self-motivation. All skill levels welcomed, so long as you commit to doing a competition for CrossFit Upcountry. See you there!