Friday, September 25, 2015

tryI asked a few of the members in class Tuesday evening to pose (the others were inside) and this is what I got. Brent, Jason L. and Steph: Congratulations; this is the most strange starting line photo I’ve ever seen at CrossFit Upcountry. AND I LOVE IT!

092515 WOD

A. 12:00 EMOM (3 sets)

Minute 1: 200/150-meter row

Minute 2: 0:30 hollow hold

Minute 3: 100-meter run

Minute 4: 0:30 arch hold

B1. Barbell hip bridges

Take 10:00 to build to heavy set of 12 reps with a 3-second pause at the top, then do 3 x 12 at that weight, for a total of 4 x 12 sets and reps. Rest 2:00 between sets.

C. Four rounds for time:

300-meter run

20 Russian kettlebell swings (53/35)

15 wall balls (20/14) to 10′ target

Rest 1:00 after each round

>> On-Ramp

Four rounds for time:

200-meter run

10 Russian kettlebell swings

10 air squats / DB thrusters

Rest 1:00 after each round