Monday, Oct. 5, 2015

IMG_1535Kehau was on Oahu this weekend renewing her L1 Certification. Nate from CF Lahaina  and Shane, owner of CF Napili were also in attendance. Judging from their expressions they seem extremely happy or very shocked to have finished the L1 test. Way to go Maui coaches!

100515 WOD

A. 5:00 AMRAP with teams of two:

Partner 1) Run 100 meters + 10 jumping air squats

Partner 2) Weighted front plank hold (45/25)

B. Back squat

5 x 3 @ 80% of 1RM

Rest 1:30 between sets

C. 12:00 EMOM

8 wall balls (20/14)

In the remainder of each minute:

ME box jumps (24/20)

>> On-Ramp

12:00 EMOM

8 air squats

In the remainder of each minute:

ME box jumps or step ups