Tuesday, Oct. 6, 2015

IMG_2665You know you pushed hard when you are laying comfortably on a wooden box after the workout. Great effort today everybody!

100615 WOD

A. 5:00 time cap:

Row 500 meters

50 consecutive double-unders

Accumulate 1:00 of hollow body hold

B. 8:00 EMOM

1/ side Turkish get up AHAP

C. 20:00 EMOM

  1. Row 200/ 150-meters
  2. 8 burpees to 6″ reach
  3. 10 toes to bar
  4. 12 ball slams (30/20)



16:00 EMOM

  1. Row 150-meters
  2. 8 burpees
  3. 10 tucks or situps
  4. 12 ball slams