Monday, Nov. 23, 2015

IMG_1232Here’s part of Saturday’s class – minus the rowers. What we find interesting is the men, who are way too cool for school. Loving these Saturday shots! Keep up the good work, gang.

“Fitness is more than a physical challenge, it’s a mental one.”

112115 WOD

A. Every 3:00 for 9:00 (3 sets)

Row 250 meters

12 Russian step-ups

10 KB oblique side bends

B. Back squat – week 4 | month 1 [ DELOAD ]

40% x 5

50% x 5

60% x 5

C. Three rounds for total time:

300-meter run

20 wall balls (20/14)

5 muscle-ups (sub 5 chest-to-bar pull-ups + 5 dips)

Rest 1:00

>> On-Ramp

Three rounds for total time:

200-meter run

15 wall balls or DB thrusters

5 ring rows + 5 parallette dips

Rest 1:00