Friday, Nov. 27, 2015 – BLACK FRIDAY


Happy Thanksgiving from our record-setting single class at 8:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Day. We are grateful for our Upcountry fitness family! Your uniqueness — whether tall, short, strong, fast, slow, big, small — makes our box special. There is no one like you! Keep being exactly who you are.

SCHEDULE UPDATES: As posted in the gym and on the website, we will have two group classes only today — at 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. We will not have open gym. Also, competition class is canceled for Saturday, Nov. 28. We will have regular group class at 8 a.m. Saturday and open gym from 9 to 11 a.m. Happy holidays! Come in and work off those extra pounds.

112715 WOD

A. Makeup work

Take 15-20 minutes to catch up on strength work that you’ve missed this week.

B. Movement prep

C. EMOM 25:00 (5 rounds)

Minute 1: 100-meter run

Minute 2: 12 box jump-overs

Minute 3: 150-meter row

Minute 4: 20 sit-ups with med ball (20/14)

Minute 5: 6-12 strict pull-ups

>> On-Ramp

EMOM 15:00 (3 rounds)

Minute 1: 100-meter run

Minute 2: 12 alternating step-ups

Minute 3: 150-meter row

Minute 4: 15 sit-ups

Minute 5: 12 ring rows