Thursday, Jan. 7, 2016

IMG_4282Now lets be frank. We love having our good friend Frank visiting with us from Washington!

010716 WOD

A. 5:00 AMRAP in teams of two:

Partner 1: 30 doubles + 5 pull-ups

Partner 2: plank hold any style


B. Five rounds for max reps:

0:30 row for calories

0:30 rest

0:30 Russian kettlebell swings (53/35)

0:30 rest

0:30 weighted sit-ups w anchor (35/25)

0:30 rest

0:30 slam balls (30/20)


Modifications will be posted on the white board.

C. Mobility

Couch stretch 2:00/side

Trap smash w barbell 2:00/side