Monday, March 6, 2016

IMG_9480Congratulations to Jamie and Keoki on the birth of their new  baby girl, Keona!

030616 WOD

A. 6:00 AMRAP, with teams of two:

Run 100 meters with med ball (switching at 50-meters)

10 med ball toss over pull-up bar (5 each)

10 med ball chest pass (5 each)

10 med ball sit-ups (5 each)

B. 5 x 3 back squat @ 70 – 80% 1RM

Rest 1:30 between sets

C. For time:

Three rounds of the foll0wing

50 air-squats


9 power snatches (135/95)

Then, one-time: 400-meter run


For time:

Three rounds of the following

25 air-squats

7 seated db press

9 hang power snatches

Then, one-time: 200-meter run