Monday, August 1, 2016



>> cf upcountry athletes make baseball championship

Congratulations to our student athletes, Kaipo (Kim Anderson’s nephew) and Mochi, who helped their Maui team go undefeated to win the Pony League Western Zone in West Covina, Calif., last weekend and earn a spot at The Pony World Series from Friday to Aug. 10 in Washington, Pa. These guys have trained super hard all summer in CrossFit and in baseball. It’s unreal to see all they’ve accomplished at such a young age. We are all so proud of you, Kaipo and Mochi! Great work representing Maui and Hawaii!

080116 WOD

A. 9:00  EMOM (3 sets)

Min 1: 150-meter row

Min 2: 30 consecutive double-unders / 60 consecutive singles

Min 3: 20 KB oblique side bends (10/side)

B. Back squat

Every 2:00 for 5 sets

3 reps @ 30×1

(build to a challenging set of three)

C.  For time: *

30 thrusters (45/35)

10 toes to bar

20 thrusters

10 toes to bar

10 thrusters

10 toes to bar

Buy out: 35 burpees

(Metcon courtesy of CF Freemont)

>> On-Ramp

For time:

30 dumbbell thrusters or air squats

10 leg raises

20 dumbbell thrusters or air squats

10 leg raises

10 dumbbell thrusters or air squats

10 leg raises

Buy out: 25 burpees

* Compare to 11-2-15