Monday, Sept. 26, 2016

img_7265Congrats to Sasha (pictured), Alaka’i, Jacob T. and Mariah for PRs on the power clean during early class Saturday! We’re stoked to see all the strength gains!

092616 WOD

A. Three rounds:

0:45 front plank

0:15 rest

0:45 alternating Russian step-ups

0:15 rest

0:45 hip bridges

B. Back squat – week 3 | month 1

75% x 5

85% x 3

95% x 1+ [ use an experienced spotter ]

Rest 2:00 between working sets and use the time to mobilize upper body.

C. For time:

30 burpees

30 pull-ups

200-meter run

20 burpees

20 pull-ups

200-meter run

10 burpees

10 pull-ups

200-meter run

* 14:00 time cap [ scale reps if needed to make time cap ]

Metcon by CrossFit of Fremont

>> On-Ramp

For time:

15 burpees

15 ring rows

100-meter run

10 burpees

10 ring rows

100-meter run

5 burpees

5 ring rows

100-meter run