Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016

img_01441Happy birthday, Leile! We love you! We know you hate photos but this is pretty hilarious.

110916 WOD

A. Three rounds of the following:

0:30-0:45 row

0:15 rest

0:30-0:45 hollow hold / rock

0:15 rest

0:30-0:45 hamstring curls with med ball or with band

B. Press [ month 3 | week 1 ] – ADD 5# TO 1RM to find new WW

65% x 5

75% x 5

85% x 5+

Superset with 3 x 8 / side dumbbell bent-over rows

C. In teams of two, alternating with one working and one resting, complete 6 rounds each of:

50-foot burpee broad jumps (from bumper plates to first wooden post and back)

5 chest-to-bar pull-ups

50-meter run

>> Optional individual workout:

6 rounds for time of above workout, resting 1:00 between rounds

>> On-Ramp

4-5 rounds for time:

25-foot burpee broad jumps

5 ring rows

50-meter jog or 100-meter row

Rest 1:00 between rounds