Tuesday, Dec. 20, 2016 – MISTLETOE MADNESS RESULTS


Mahalo to everyone who came out to our first in-house CrossFit competition and Christmas party on Saturday at the box. Santa, from atop his North Pole perch, saw that it was a great success. Special thanks to our coaches for programming and judging, to Willy and Tracy, who saved the day with their BBQ skills, to volunteers such as Leile who woke up early to help out, to Arianna and Kahone, who jumped in to help judge, and to Nikki and Patti, the masterminds behind it all. Their goal for this beginner-friendly competition was to give back and encourage others. Everyone agrees: Saturday was a great representation of that. What a nice way to celebrate the holiday season, because serving others fills us up. We dare you to try it and see for yourself!


Level one: Kaika and Mariah (first); Theresa and Eric (second); and Gabby and Kaipo (third).


Level two: Ron and Michelle (first); Matt and Naomi (second); Amanda and Justin (third).


Level three: Alex and Pili (first); Elias and Jonah (not pictured) (second); Crystal and Kyle S. (third).

fullsizerender-4Evan and Kayla won the Most Spirited award for their awesome attitudes and costumes. Peter and Kanoe came in a close second, but they had to leave early. Miles the dog got in on the action. He is not in costume.

fullsizerender-3Bill and Elena earned the Least Likely to Compete Award. Bill nailed a thruster of 135, and we’re pretty sure he just learned thrusters not that long ago. Bill began his CrossFit journey months ago. Elena, on the other hand, always surprises us as to whether she’ll actually show up. We were stoked she did! Great job, you two!

122016 WOD

A. 400-meter run or 500-meter row 

B. Four rounds of the following:

Hamstring curls with band or ball x 10-15 / side 

Rest 0:45

KB oblique side bends x 12-14 / side  

Rest 0:45

Turkish get-ups x 2-3 / side

Rest 0:45 

C. 20:00 EMOM (5 rounds)

Min 1: 100-meter run 

Min 2: 3 strict ring MU or 6 strict pull-ups + 6 strict dips 

Min 3: 30 DUs

Min 4: 15 v-ups

>> On-Ramp

20:00 EMOM

Min 1: 50-meter run or 100-meter row

Min 2: 6 ring rows + 6 parallette dips

Min 3: 30 DU attempts or 60 SUs

Min 4: 15 modified v-ups or sit-ups