Friday, May 19,2017

“Live life to the fullest, and focus on the positive.” – Matt Cameron

051917 WOD

A. Three rounds NFT

250-meter row

10 good mornings with band or bar

12 Russian step-ups

6:00 time cap

B. Deadlift

Take 5:00 to warm up, then every 2:00 for 10:00

Set 1) 5 reps @ 70%

Set 2) 3 reps @ 75%

Set 3) 1 rep @ 80%

Set 4) 5 reps @ 75%

Set 5) 3 reps @ 80%

C. 12:00 AMRAP

2 ring muscle-ups (sub 2 strict pull-ups + 2 strict dips)

4 push presses (95/65)

8 lunges with bar in front rack (4/side) (95/65)

200-meter run

>> On-Ramp

12:00 AMRAP

2 ring rows + 2 parallette dips

4 push presses

8 lunges (unweighted)

200-meter run or 200-meter row