Friday, Dec. 8, 2017

We’re still impressed by all of your PRs from last week! Let’s finish this year strong!

120817 WOD

A. 9:00 EMOM

Min 1) 0:30-0:45 jumping jacks

Min 2) 0:30-0:45 handstand hold / handstand shoulder taps

Min 3) 0:30-0:45 arch hold / rock

B. Four sets of:

Romanian deadlifts x 4-6 reps @21×1

Rest 30 seconds

Handstand push-ups x 12-15 reps

(consecutive or accumulated) sub: inverted off feet / knees on box or L-seated DB presses

Rest 2:00

C. In teams of two, partners alternate rounds to complete five rounds of:

5 hang power cleans (155/105)

100-meter sprint

*Optional solo workout

Metcon by CrossFit Invictus