Monday, May, 21, 2018

Hope you all had a great weekend! This week’s programming brought to you by Coach Korey.

052118 WOD

A. Warm-rp:

2 Rounds

200m Run

5 Push-ups

10 Air Squats

B1. Pistol overview/scale

12 narrow stance squats

12 pistols (right leg)

12 pistols (left leg)

B2. HSPU overview/scale

0:30 Handstand Hold

3 HSPU w/5 second descent

3 Strict HSPU

3 Kipping HSPU

B3. Pull-up overview/scale

0:30 wide grip hang

0:15 narrow grip hang

12 kipping Swings

12 pull-ups

C. “Mary”

20 Minute AMRAP


10 Alt. Pistols

15 Pull-ups

>>Modifications will be given