Monday, Sept. 24, 2018 – STRENGTH CYCLE STARTING SOON!


TESTING WEEK: This week we will be testing our 3-RM max in the back squat and deadlift and our 1 RM in the strict press. Please write down your numbers so we have a starting point for our new strength cycle, which will launch THE FIRST WEEK OF OCTOBER AND CONTINUE UNTIL MID-DECEMBER. Did you ask Santa for gains? Because he says you’re getting some!

STARTING NEXT WEEK: We are back on the Wendler train, a percentage-based strength program that is solid enough to build your lifts and moderate enough to allow your conditioning to increase or stay high. We have found Wendler to be one of the most credible, effective and efficient raw strength training programs for beginner, intermediate and advanced lifters, and we will apply it to the power lifts with the most carryover — the back squat (Monday), press (Wednesday) and deadlift (Friday). At the end of each month, there is a weeklong deload cycle. We chose this strength program because it will best prepare us for the CrossFit competition season, which begins at the start of the new year.

Things to remember with Wendler:

WORKING WEIGHT: Wendler uses the 5/3/1 method and derives percentages for reps based on what’s called a “working weight.” The working weight (WW) is 90% of your estimated or true 1RM. It’s extremely important to find the WW calculations and use that figure to find your percentages each week.

RECORD ALL YOUR LIFTS: It’s extremely important to download the free Wendler lifting app or use a notebook to record all of your lifts. We won’t have tons of time to do the percentages and math at each class, so please come prepared.

START CONSERVATIVE: If this is not your first strength rodeo, it’s extremely important to still start conservatively and not base your maxes off, say, your high school totals or that one year eight years ago when you hit some insane numbers. Feel it out this week and be conservative. Trust the process and you’ll see some great numbers by the end of the cycle.

• STAY CONSISTENT: If you miss strength days, come in to open gym times, or use the beginning of class (ask a coach, of course) to make up your missed lifts. Try not to get more than a week behind.


A. Warm-up: Coach’s choice

B. Take 20 Minutes to build to today’s 3RM Back Squat

C. 8:00 AMRAP

8 Burpees

8 American KBS @53/35

>>Modifications will be given


Banded Hamstring stretch X1:00 per

Pigeon Stretch X1:00 per