Thursday, Nov.29, 2018

 “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” – Arthur Ashe

112918 WOD

A. Warm-up: Coach’s choice

B. Three Sets of:

Banded March w/Med Ball Hold x2:00

Nose to Wall Handstand Hold x1:00

*Rest 1:00 Between Sets.*

C. Every 3:00 for 18:00 (2 sets each)

#1 Row 500m/450m + 10 Wall Balls

#2 Run 400m + 10 Med Ball Sit-ups

#3 25/20 Cal Bike + 10 Med Ball Cleans

*RX = 20/14lbs & 10/9’*

Every 3:00 for 18:00 (2 sets each)

#1 Row 400/300m + 10 air-squats

#2 Run 200-300 + 10  Sit-ups

#3 15/10 Cal Bike + 10 Med Ball Cleans

>>Modifications will be given