Thursday, Dec.20, 2018

Garrett setting a new gym record of 215 in the strict press! Great job today everybody! Rest and recover, deadlift testing on Friday:)

122018 WOD

A. Warm-up: Coach’s choice

B. Skill: Double-Unders

10 sets of 5 singles + 1 DU

10 sets of 3 singles + 1 DU

Followed by…

5 Minute EMOM

20-30 Double-Unders or 0:30 of double-under attempts or triple-under attempts


21 Minute EMOM

#1) 15/12 Calorie Row

#2) 50 Double-Unders

#3) 12 Medball cleans @20/14

*Scale double-unders to no more than 0:40 of work.*

>>Modifications will be given


Calf Smash w/roller x1:00 per side

Pigeon Stretch x1:00 per side