Thursday, Dec. 27, 2018

Great job on the weightlifting complex today!

122718 WOD

A. Group warmup

B. Three rounds of:

1:00 banded marches

100 meter farmers carry 

5 scap pull-ups + 5 arch to hollow

Rest 1:30

C. 20:00 EMOM

Min 1: 100-meter run

Min 2: 3 burpee ring muscle-ups or 5 burpee ring chest to bar pull-ups (scale 5 burpees + 5 ring-rows)

Min 3: 12 reverse lunges with kettlebells (53/35) at sides

Min 4: wildcard * pick your own movement and reps that will keep you within 30-45 seconds of work

>>Modifications will be given