Monday, Nov. 4, 2019

Zeke with a PR post 20.4! We saw many PR’s during and after 20.4. One more week to go!

110419 WOD

A. Warm-up: Coach’s choice

B. Every 2:00 for 5 sets

1 front squat @32×1 followed by

2 regular front squats 

C. For Time:

200 Meter Run

21 CTB Pull-Ups

21 Wall balls (20/14)

 21 Calorie Row

200 Meter Run 

15 CTB Pull-Ups

15 wall-balls (20/14)

15 Calorie Row

200 Meter Run

9 CTB Pull-Ups

9 wall-balls (20/14)

9 calorie row

>>Modifications will be given