Friday, April 3, 2020

Try a Zoom class. You will be glad that you did!

040320 WOD

A. Three rounds x 0:30

All fours reach throughs

Table top (cat/cow)

Bird dogs right side

Bird dogs left side

B. Four rounds of

20 single leg glute hip bridge (10/side) weight is optional 

20 oblique side bends (10/side) DB/ KB/ or odd object 

Rest 1:00 between rounds 

C. In 4:00

30 lateral hops

30 reverse lunges (15/side) DB,KB, or odd object

30 push press (15/side) DB,KB, or odd object

Max reverse burpees in the remaining time

Four rounds resting 2:00 in between rounds 

Reverse burpee- start on back/ rock on back to create momentum/ stand up/ finish with a jump. Scale: do this off a bench, or use hands, or do hollow rocks or sit-upsĀ 

Reverse burpee