Monday, May 18, 2020

051820 WOD

A. 3 x 0:30

Air-squats @ 32×1

Tabletop cat/cows

Hand release push-ups from knees

Reverse snow angels

B. In 4:00

30 single-arm DB hang clean / jerks (15/side)

20 strict sit-ups

ME sprawls with jump

rest 4 minutes

In 4:00

30 single-arm DB snatches (15/side)

20 strict sit-ups

ME burpees

rest 4 minutes

In 4:00

30 single-arm DB full cleans (15/side)

20 strict sit-ups

ME six-point burpees

C. Three rounds

15 glute hip bridges with DB

15-20 RDLs

20-30 penguin crunches

Rest 1:30 after the three movements