Thursday, July 30, 2020

Happy Birthday to Kristy and Pili!

073020 WOD

A. Warm-up: Coach’s choice 

B. Five rounds:

0:30 row for calories

0:30 rest

0:30 DB thruster   (one DB, hand on each side, 50/35)

0:30 rest

0:30 DUs 

0:30 rest 

0:30 Russian KBs  (53/35)

0:30 rest

0:30 sit-ups 

0:30 rest 

C. Take 10-15 minutes to work on strict pull-ups by choosing one of the following 

1. 3 x 10-15 ring rows 

2. 5 x 1 negative + 5 x 5 strict pull-ups w band 

3. 5 x 5 strict pull-ups 

4. 5 x ME strict pull-ups 

5. Take time to build to challenging single weighted