Wednesday, Sept. 9, 2020

Coach Jason has hops!

090920 WOD

A. Warm-up: Coach’s choice

B. Three sets of

10/ side half kneeling strict press

Superset with 10/ side single arm DB rows

Rest 1:30

C. For Time: 

10/7 Ring Muscle-Ups (10/7 strict pull-ups + 10/7 dips)

15 Alt. DB Snatch @50/35

20 Single Arm DB overhead lunge (10/side)

25 DB step ups (24/20)

20 Single Arm DB overhead lunge (10/side)

15 Alt. DB Snatch @50/35

10/7 Ring Muscle-Ups (10/7 strict pull-ups + 10/7 dips)

*15 Minute Cap