Thursday, Dec. 31, 2020

We love taking our yearly photos that have become a tradition. Any volunteers (models) would be greatly appreciated if you are comfortable doing it. We will all wear masks since we will be a little closer. No pressure though. What a crazy year it has been. We can’t thank you enough for continuing to train with us. We love you all!

CLASS SCHEDULE: 4:45/ 6:00/ 7:10/ 8:00/ 9:15


123120 WOD

A. Warm-up: Coach’s choice

B. 20:21 AMRAP Teams of two alternating movements 

10 ground to overhead with plate (45/25)

10 calorie row

10 lunges with plate overhead (45/25) 5/side

10 push-ups 

10 pull-ups (any style)