Wednesday, August 4, 2021

08042021 WOD

A) Warmup 

Coaches Choice 

B) Movement Prep

C) Metcon

Every 3 Minutes For 6 Minutes (2 Rounds)

100m Run

9 Toes to Bar 

9 Thrusters @95/65

*Immediately followed by*

Every 3 Minutes For 6 Minutes (2 Rounds)

100m Run

7 C2B Pull-ups 

7 Thrusters @115/75

*Immediately followed by*

Every 3 Minutes for 6 Minutes (2 Rounds)

100m Run 

5/3 Bar Muscle-Ups

5 Thrusters @135/95

*Score is total working time*

*Scale appropriately to allow for at least one minute rest per round*