More Benchmarks! Sat, Nov 13

Kaye was in good hands. She says "the worst part is over, I'm on the mend."

It’s been fun getting body weight benchmarks up on the boards.

Feel free to attempt the dead hang pull ups, kipping pull ups, push ups, ring dips and double unders any day after the warm up to fill your row.  There is no better way to follow your progress by recording your PRs. All benchmarks must be witnessed by a coach and be full range of motion fulfilling the requirements of each move.

Pull ups: arms must extend completely at the bottom of the hang and chin must clear the bar at the top.  Elbows must be higher than shoulders in the push ups and the ring dips. When you miss that last double under that rep does not count!Go for it!  No limit on number of attempts!

Strength: Press

WOD: AMRAP 20 min
200m run
20 push press
20 box jump

(This is Sara the webmaster posting on Coach Kaye’s behalf, and I wanted to share a few photos she sent from the hospital…here you go. Looks like in this series of photos, she’s demonstrating what a strong woman she is!)