Good News & Bad News. Fri, 8/26

The good news is….. we are adding a new class! There will be two classes on Saturday mornings to accommodate the crowds. But the bad news is…. It won’t start until September 10 due to our 31 Heroes WOD on the 3rd. We see no point in confusing you by starting it this weekend. Starting the 10th there will be a 7:30 AND an 8:30 AM class. Note: classes will start on the half hour instead of top of the hour.

More good news….. Our WOD for tomorrow included lots and lots and lots of sit ups. But the bad news is….. an ab mat has gone missing and we were short enough as it is. If you happened to “borrow” it please return it to the box.

And the greatest news is, with nothing bad to follow, we have two new basics graduates! Please welcome Hoku and Terry to our classes.
WOD: 5 rounds for time:
50m walking lunge
50m sprint
5 power snatch
10 negative ring dips