Thursday, April 19, 2012


Coach Christie; Lisa


Here’s the workout for Thursday, April 19, 2012:

A. Makeup strength / skill (take the first 20 minutes of class to warm up, make up missed strength from M-W or do Friday’s strength if you will be gone. WOD will start at the half hour mark).


Five sets for max reps of each movement, with 30 seconds of work followed by 30 seconds of rest:
• Air squats
• Pull-ups
• Double-unders
• Push-ups

* Score is total reps

PROGRAMMING NOTE: If you are working out four consecutive days, remember that you will do Thursdays workout not for time (NFT). This can mean that you take it easy, try to ignore the clock, focus on sound movement over speed (this should be a given) and allow your nervous system a break; it is an active rest day. We know that it’s hard to mentally shut off the clock, but rest of the mind and body is pivotal to your overall fitness and longevity.