Leggo Your Ego

I Googled Eggo and ego and this is what the magical Internet came up with. Apparently, it’s by an artist named David Gross.


This post was written by Russ, and it can be applied to every human being in CrossFit. By nature, it’s easy to consider shortening range of motion (ROM) to get a faster time, or compromising technique to beat a competitor. The culprit? The human ego. It’s likely that all CrossFit boxes have grappled at one time or another with how to address ego issues; and the human ego goes so far as to demand attention in the gym, in our workplaces, in our homes and in any other social setting. Overall, we observe many members performing proper scaling, technique and ROM at CFUM, but this message serves as an important reminder for all of us. Please take this to heart, and take into consideration how much your coaches, like Russ, who took his time to write this, truly care about your health and progress as a CrossFitter. — Kehau





CrossFit is designed to condition each of you to be the best person/athlete/individual that you can achieve. We utilize “functionally varied movements” to get this done. By the word “functional” we mean that each of these movements can be translated to everyday skills or tasks to make YOUR life easier. For example, with the deadlift, proper form and technique is executed in training but the basics of it is to teach you how to properly lift heavy s*** off the ground without getting hurt. With the press, we all have to put stuff away in our houses, on our shelves, in our kitchen; this builds overhead strength so that you won’t hurt yourself when you’re putting away that box of holiday decorations on the top shelf of your storage closet. The squat clean thruster, a combination of both to pick up something from the ground and place it over head. The squat, we all use the toilet; this should be self-explanatory. You get where I’m going. All of these movements that we prescribe translate to something bigger — whether you know it or not. We specifically program these movements to help you be better at life, and to make your everyday tasks easier. Isn’t that why you come to the gym? To get fit, look better and feel healthier.

It’s tough when people get caught up in performing these movements RX, or as fast as possible, without executing the proper form. I’m not pointing anyone out, but you should know who you are. You’re the one who doesn’t squat below parallel because you want to show that you can squat heavy. Or you don’t lock out your elbows on your push presses because you think it will “slow you down” and you want a faster time.

Believe me, no one cares how much weight you push or how fast you’re moving if you’re not achieving full range of motion. When you’re cheating the movements you’re only cheating yourself.

You may have heard this before, but think about it. If you aren’t performing the movements with full ROM then a) you’re not getting the desired training effect that we’re trying to have you achieve and b) the rep doesn’t count. Period. So why would you go on to brag about your sub 3:00 “Fran” or 12 round “Jack” if you’re not achieving full ROM and complete reps? Here’s another example, if the workout said to run 5K and you only ran a 3K, would you still say you did the workout RX? No, you wouldn’t, because a 3K and a 5K are not the same. So why would you say you did the workout in a blistering time or as RX if your movements were not “as prescribed.”

If you have mobility issues or nagging injuries that prevent you from squatting deep or locking out those elbows, come talk to us, we can work around them or show you exercises to increase your range of motion and flexibility. But there is no excuse for those of you who I know are fully capable of achieving full ROM to be cheating these movements. Scale the weight. There is no shame in that.

Improved technique and efficiency will create stronger gains and they will come faster than if you tried to muscle through them. Believe me. Don’t let your pride get in the way of you becoming the best version of yourself. Remember…CHECK YOUR EGO AT THE DOOR!