Wednesday, August 15, 2012

We said goodbye Tuesday to our guests Meshelle and Chad (center), box owners in San Rafael, Calif., and Todd (in red), from Texas. Thanks for WODing with us Upcountry! Lately, the popular CFUM photo emotion has been “tired.” This is another great depiction. Who showed it best?

Here’s the workout for Wednesday, August 15, 2012:

A. Strength

Push press – linear week 7

B. Metcon

AMRAP in 8:00

3 handstand push-ups *

6 pull-ups *

12 box jumps (24/20)

(no kipping will be allowed on the handstand push-ups or pull-ups)

C. Cash out

250 mountain climbers (each side is one rep)

Every minute on the minute = 10 sit-ups