Thursday, Oct. 4, 2012

100412 WOD

A. Make up skill / strength

Take the first 20 minutes of class to make up missed lifts and skill work, focusing especially on the first week of linear powerlifting movements. This is your open-gym time. Make the most of it.

B. Metcon

For time:

800 meter run

30 sit-ups

15 box jumps (24/20)

400 meter run

20 sit-ups

10 box jumps

200 meter run

10 sit-ups

5 box jumps



LENGTHEN your muscles to optimize strength during Yoga for CrossFitters from 9 to 10 a.m. with certified yoga instructor Ann Van Patten, who’s fresh off a yoga intensive on the north shore. She has new movements to share. Bring a mat and an open mind.