Friday, Oct. 5, 2012

100512 WOD

A. Strength

Deadlift — linear week 1

B. Metcon

In 3:00

50 double-unders

Then AMRAP the barbell complex

8 deadlifts (115/75)

6 power cleans

4 front squats

Complete three rounds, resting 1:30 between each. Score is barbell complex total.

C. Cash out

3 x 7 burpee pull-ups


HOLIDAY SCHEDULE NOTE: Due to Monday’s federal holiday, we will hold a condensed schedule with one class at 8 a.m. Please mark your calendars. Make up missed strength work on Thursday.





WHAT: Helen Meets Grace in two-person teams

WHEN: 3 p.m. start time; BBQ to follow

WHERE: Lahaina CrossFit

WHY: Barbells for Boobs fundraiser for breast cancer awareness

HOW: Two-person teams will tackle Helen, immediately followed by Grace. The team may partition the WODs any way, with the exception of the 400-meter runs, which both members must complete. Helen is three rounds of 400 meter runs, 21 American kettlebell swings (53/35) and 12 pullups; Grace is 30 ground to overhead (135/95). Teams are encouraged to wear pink.

COST: By donation

Come out and cheer on your teams, or jump in on the workout, in this annual CrossFit fundraiser — this year being kindly hosted by CrossFit Lahaina. RX teams include: Russ and Cory; Keaka and Leroy; Isaac and Nakoa; Patty and Gabby; Kehau and Andrea; and Frank (pending work) and Jacob. Bring meat and BBQ after with local CrossFitters. It’s sure to be a great community event.