Wednesday, May 8, 2013


>> bet you’ll like these brussels.

While in San Diego, I stayed with a friend who is on Whole 30, a 30-day nutrition challenge that details specific guidelines for eating clean. I could talk for hours about what I learned from her inspiring story, but I’ll save that for another post. Instead, I leave you with one of the easiest and best recipes she shared with me: Brussels sprouts chips. I get that Brussels sprouts have gotten a bad rap. But I’m willing to bet you’ll eat them before they make it from the baking pan to the plate. Here’s a good recipe, although you can find a few by Googling: Brussels sprouts chips

We’re contemplating a Whole 30 challenge that would launch in June. Check out this link — Whole 30 — and give us feedback at the gym. We’ll go from there. Now go and eat some veggies!

050813 WOD

A. Dips

3 x 10

B. Clean and jerk

2 x 3 // 2 x 2

Build to a heavy double

C. Four rounds for time:

10 burpee box jumps (24/20)

5 hang power cleans (155/105)