Friday, Oct. 24, 2013


102413 WOD

A. In 5:00 with teams of two:

1 – 100-meter run with med ball (20/14)

2 – plank hold (alternating L, F, R)

Switching; if 2 drops before 1 returns, 5 burpee penalty.

B. Deadlift – Wendler week 3; month 1

75% x 5

85% x 3

95% x 1+

C. “Mini Chief”

AMRAP 3:00

3 power cleans (135/95)

6 push-ups

9 air squats

Three rounds, resting 1:00 between each. Start subsequent rounds where you leave off. Score is total rounds and reps.




You’ll rarely see Kim A. without a smile. The svelte paddler has been with us since the start, and she’s a pivotal part of our community. Kim’s always cracking a joke, railing on our love for zombies or greeting someone at the box. Aside from her awesome personality, this Upcountry mom is busy juggling lots of stuff, and she somehow manages to go hard in the gym. Whether it’s nailing her first handstand hold, working on Olympic lifting technique, strengthening her press, deadlift and squat, or getting her toes-to-bar down, Kim is charging, always up for a challenge. We love her infectious energy and we can’t imagine life — in the gym or out of the gym — without Kim. We love you! Have a great birthday! (PS. you get to decide – burpees or balloons; choose wisely 😉


Gotta say: I’m glad I don’t work out at 24 anymore . . .