Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013


We just finished training more than 40 staff members at Kamehameha Schools Maui campus as part of a weight-loss challenge called IMUA. The Maui team competes against Oahu and Big Isle campuses; winners will be announced among participants Thursday. This experience was inspiring, to say the least. Go Maui team!

103013 WOD

A. Tabata 4:00

Alternating hollow rocks

Mountain climbers

B. Press – Wendler week 4; month 1 [ DELOAD ]

C. In 2:30

Run 200 meters

10 box jumps

10 v-ups

ME dips

Rest 1:00

In 2:30

Run 200 meters

10 box jumps

10 v-ups

ME deadhang pull-ups

Rest 1:00

In 2:30

Run 200 meters

10 box jumps

10 v-ups

ME double-unders

Score is max-effort reps.