Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Husband and wife supercouple, Marty and May, work on planks and v-ups Monday afternoon. Keep up the good work, you two!

052014 WOD

A. 4:00 Tabata

Alternating double-unders

Hollow rocks

B. Hang clean

Take 20 minutes to build to a heavy full clean from the hang (anywhere above knees). Once you fail, take off 20 pounds, then build back up, adding 5 pounds at a time. Once you fail, you’re done.

C. For time:

600-meter run

Three rounds of the triplet:

10 pistols (5/side)

20 toes-to-bar

30 double-unders

600-meter run

>> On-Ramp

For time:

400-meter run

Three rounds of the triplet:

10 air squats

20 sit-ups

30 double-under attempts / 60 single-unders

400-meter run