Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Late class turned into a WOD with friends who I’ve known since before I knew CrossFit. Gabby and I went to Doris Todd together; Kaipo and I went to college at Point Loma in San Diego together; Steph and I went to KKHS together; and Patty has followed me to schools since kindergarten. Because it was a friend WOD, I forced everyone to hold hands. It lasted about two seconds after the start — when we realized that staying united may not help our metcon time.

052814 WOD

A. In 5:00 with a teammate:

Partner 1) 100-meter run + 20 DUs + 5 kips

Partner 2) Plank hold (any style)


B. Press

60% x 5

70% x 3

80% x ME

Subset with 3 x ME supine rows from rings

C. AMRAP 3:00

3 power cleans (135/95)

6 burpees

9 toes-to-bar

Four rounds, resting 1:00 between each. Pick up subsequent rounds where you leave off. Score is total rounds and reps.

>> On-Ramp

3 hang power cleans

6 burpees

9 v-ups/sit-ups/tucks

Three rounds, resting 1:00 between each. Pick up subsequent rounds where you leave off. Score is total rounds and reps.



Keoni’s girlfriend, Nikki, snagged her first bar muscle-up Tuesday. While we can’t take credit for it (she recently moved from Oahu where she attended the leading CrossFit gym in the state, CrossFit 808), it was cool that Keoni’s friend, Blake, who was brand-new to CrossFit when he started with us a couple months ago, was the one to help coach her through it. Great teamwork, everyone — keep the PRs coming!