Wednesday, June 4, 2014


060414 WOD

A. 5:00 in teams of up to six:

Rower: ME for distance

Others: plank hold any style

Switching at 1:00 mark

B.  Strict press

Take 15 minutes to find your 3RM for the day; record

Subset with 3 x ME strict pull-ups; record your reps and any assistance / modifications used

C. In 3:00

Run 200 meters

10 knees-to-elbows

10 hang power cleans (135/95)

ME double-unders

Three rounds, resting 1:00 between each. Score is double-unders.

>> On-Ramp

In 3:00

Run 200 meters

10 tucks

10 dumbbell hang power cleans

ME single-unders

Three rounds, resting 1:00 between each. Score is single-unders divided by 3.