Friday, July 11, 2014

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Congratulations to Gabby (top), who PRd her snatch, and to Diane’s son, Kieran (above), who PRd his clean, on Thursday at Toby’s lifting class. We’re so proud of your progress. Last week, Sheila and Clayton PRd their full snatches. This class has been nonstop excitement! Great work, everyone.

071114 WOD

A. Row 500 meters at 80 percent intensity

Then . . .

3:00 front plank hold

1:00 < 400 meter run

2:00 < 200 meter run

3:00 < 100 meter run

B. Deadlift – linear week three

3 x 5

Add 10# to week 2

3 x 5 cobras between working sets

C. In 2:30

Run 200 meters

20 double-unders

Round 1: ME overhead squats (95/65)

Round 2: ME lunges with barbell in back rack

Round 3: ME shoulder to overhead

Round 4: ME power cleans

* Same weight is used throughout. Rest 1:00 between rounds. Score is total reps of barbell work.