Saturday, August 2, 2014

photo(685)Professional SUP star Connor Baxter shows some mean lat strength on his knees-to-elbows.

080214 WOD

A. Group warmup

B. Stretch

C. Workout TBA at gym

Weather is nicer than we thought!



photo 3Kahone and dad Nigel are two of the box favorites. Sure, we say that about each one of you. But it’s true. This awesome father-son duo are often seen working out at 5:45 a.m. then heading to work together. On their lunch break, you may run into them at Whole Foods, where they’re typically ordering the same thing from the sandwich bar. It doesn’t get much cooler than that. The family of four, led by Nigel and wife Vanessa, are all fit, hard-working and really, really awesome (Kahone’s sister, Lilinoe is a CFL1 trainer in SoCal). And we adore Kahone for his witty, sharp sense of humor, along with his personable and kind demeanor. The naturally athletic KKHS grad served in the Navy before returning home to Maui. Since joining CFUM, we’ve seen his lifts skyrocket, along with skill work, including bar muscle-ups. He’s a gifted surfer, who competed at a top level in high school. The guy has a ridiculous amount of athletic potential in whatever he chooses to do. Kahone marks his birthday Friday; on the main whiteboard, he invited the whole gym to a “BBQ bday at 4 p.m. Saturday (today) at Nigel’s House.” If you want directions to his Pukalani house, text me. You can be sure time with Kahone and family will be well spent. Happy birthday, Kahone! Everyone appreciates your friendship bonded through sweat, smiles and lots of sarcasm.