Monday, November 27, 2017

Its beginning to look a lot like…. TESTING WEEK!!

112717 WOD

A. 400-meter run or 500-meter row

B. Back squat – ASSESSMENT

Take 30 minutes to find a 1- or 3-rep max. Warm up using your last weights  from your 5/3/1  last week , then increase by smart increments for singles or triples, resting 2:00 between working sets. Record final successful lift(s).

Please write down your 1Rm for the day on the whiteboard, even if its not a PR.

With these Thanksgiving and Wendler gains, we’re excited to see you hit some good numbers!

If you need more time, feel free to opt out of portion C or do your own conditioning when you’re finished lifting. Now get psyched to squat !

C. For time:

Buy in: 400 meter run

40 double-unders

30 Abmat sit-ups


40 double-unders

20 Abmat sit-ups


40 double-unders

10 Abmat sit-ups


Cash out: 25 burpees

* Metcon by CrossFit of Fremont