Friday, September 7, 2018

The Great Aloha Games 2018

090718 WOD

A. Warm-up: Coach’s choice

B . Back Squat 5×2

*Build to a heavy double*

C. 15 Minute AMRAP

50 Double Unders

30 Wall Balls @20/14

10 Calorie Bike

50 Double Unders

30 Back Squats @75/55

10 Calorie Bike

50 Double Unders

30 Med Ball Cleans @20/14

10 Calorie Bike

Partner option: Half all reps of each movement. One works one rest

>>Modifications will be given


Calf Stretch X1:00 Per

Couch Stretch X1:00 Per

Scorpions x10