Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2019

Here is the leaderboard after two weeks. It is a tight race!
1. Rise + Grind / 8 points
2. Wod We Get Into? / 13 points
3. Fireballzss / 14 points
4. Team Flex Appeal / 14 points
5. The Squatting Dead / 16 points
6. All Beef Franks / 17 points

102319 WOD

A. Group warmup: Coach’s choice

B. Bench press

Every 2:00 for 5 sets

3-5 @ 30×1

C. 4:00 AMRAP 

30 double-unders

20 strict sit-ups

10 strict handstand pushups 

Three rounds, resting 2:00 between each. Pick up where you leave off. Record rounds and reps.

>>Modifications will be given