Friday, Dec. 3, 2020

Allison and Jayci killing the 800 meter run in the rain


A. Warm-up: Coach’s choice

B. 3 Sets Of:

Bent Over DB Row x8-10 Per Side

Superset with 20 banded tricep pulldowns

*Rest 1:00 Between Sets*

C. 18 Minute AMRAP

3 Bar Muscle-Up (sub 3 C2B pull-ups + 3 dips) or 3 banded pull-ups + 3 dips

10 Thrusters @75/55

100m Run

3 Ring Muscle-Up (3 strict pull-ups + dips) or 3 ring-rows + 3 dips

10 Wall Balls @20/14

100m Run

>>Modifications will be given