Wednesday, May 18, 2022

CrossFit Upcountry Maui – CrossFit

Bench press

A. Warm-up: Coach’s choice

B. B. Bench press

Every 2:00 for five sets, build to a challenging set

Set 1- 5 reps

Set 2- 5 reps

Set 3- 3 reps

Set 4- 3 reps

Set 5- 3 reps

Metcon (Time)

B. 10 rounds for time:

6 OHS (95/65)

4 burpees over the bar

2/1 ring MU (sub 2/1 strict pull-ups and dips)

Rest 1:00 between rounds

Score is total time including rest


8 rounds for time:

6 OHS with PVC or goblet squats

4 burpees over the bar

2/1 ring MU (sub 2/1 strict pull-ups and dips)

Rest 1:00 between rounds